How can you have peace of mind that your family will be financially protected after you pass away?

Is your Estate being directed to the people you care most about?

Estate Planning is a topic that people find difficult to discuss or think about,  however, it is an important part of overall financial planning and is something that shouldn’t be left to the last minute or chance.  Estate Planning is essential to eliminating uncertainty and providing peace of mind that your family will be secure if something happens to you.

Estate Planning in its simplest form is the process of preparing for the disposal of your ‘estate’ to ensure that investments you make now are passed on to your family or beneficiaries in the most effective way, and according to your wishes.

Vision Financial Strategies can assist you to develop an effective estate plan. We are able to provide you with the costs and benefits of a particular estate planning structure or strategy.

You can contact our friendly and professional team at Vision Financial Strategies (incorporating Southern Financial Strategies) on (08) 9474 9777 or contact us.